Over the last week, hundreds of thousands of people have announced their intention to delete their Facebook accounts. It was enough to bring down the company's share value. Not many actually followed through with their threat, though.

Facebook is still the most actively used app in the UK and the US - which are two of the biggest markets in the world.

So why aren't people getting rid of Facebook en masse?

1. Privacy isn't their biggest concern

At least as far as Zuckerberg is concerned. People are more likely to leave Facebook for fear of their grandmas snooping than of Cambridge Analytica harvesting their personal information. As more and more adults join the network, younger people are deleting their accounts - or at least choosing to spend more time elsewhere.

2. They are Lazy

For real. A lot of people have come to accept that loss of privacy is the price to psy for a more convenient life. And they don't mind paying the price.

They've signed on to several apps using their Facebook profile. Signing up afresh on each app is a lot more work than they are willing to do.

3. They Want to Stay Connected to their Communities

Facebook does a good job of keeping people in touch with what is happening in their communities. Which is probably why  Facebook announced that it would be giving more visibility to posts from groups.

Even better (for them), Facebook is providing special groups for organizations like schools, meaning that students and teachers will have to be on Facebook to participate.

4. They are Addicted

Every tiny detail about Facebook is designed to make users spend a little more time on it. Every time someone 'likes' or comments on your post, you feel good. It is like getting a hit. And we all keep going back for more.

Birthday coming up? Great! That means getting dozens and dozens of birthday wishes. Some of them coming from people we don't know or haven't met in years. But we don't care because it feels good anyway.

5. It is Not Easy

No, really it isn't. Google 'how to delete my Facebook.' You will see that it is no mean feat.

First of all, the option to delete your account isn't even on the menu. To be fair you can choose to have your account deleted after you die. Other than that, you won't see a 'delete my account' button lying around. You have to search for it.

Most users will give up on deleting their accounts after looking around for a while. Once you do succeed in placing a request to delete your account, you have to wait 90 days before they actually delete it. By then you will probably have changed your mind.

Deleting Facebook won't get rid of your messages in other people's inboxes. It also won't get rid of pictures of you posted by other people, or tagged by other people.
