
Showing posts from March, 2018


Over the last week, hundreds of thousands of people have announced their intention to delete their Facebook accounts. It was enough to bring down the company's share value. Not many actually followed through with their threat, though. Facebook is still the most actively used app in the UK and the US - which are two of the biggest markets in the world. So why aren't people getting rid of Facebook en masse? 1. Privacy isn't their biggest concern At least as far as Zuckerberg is concerned. People are more likely to leave Facebook for fear of their grandmas snooping than of Cambridge Analytica harvesting their personal information. As more and more adults join the network, younger people are deleting their accounts - or at least choosing to spend more time elsewhere. 2. They are Lazy For real. A lot of people have come to accept that loss of privacy is the price to psy for a more convenient life. And they don't mind paying the price. They've signed on to several...