" You deserve better breasts! " I've seen a lot of weird sales emails in my spam folder but this was by far the most hilarious. Once in a while, I peep at my spam folder in case I missed anything interesting. Sometimes I do find something interesting, but most times there is nothing worth my time. Gmail users love having a (relatively well) functioning spam filter. For those people whose emails end up on the other side of the spam filter, it is not such a good thing. So here is how to avoid it: Mind Your Language Salesy words like 'free,' 'buy,' 'bonus,' 'order,' etc. are a dead giveaway. You bet spam filters are scanning your email for them. These words are risky and best avoided. Find other ways to communicate your message. Use exclamation marks sparely. Spam filters are wary of exclamation marks in subject lines. Use multiple exclamation marks and your email will take the express lane to the bin. A whole sentence in all cap...